I think I've discovered why I love the ocean so much - it stimulates all 5 of the senses. You can see it, hear it, smell it, touch it, and yes, even taste it. I must admit that I don't really enjoy the taste of the salt water, and I really don't enjoy the sand anymore (I LOVED it when I was a kid, but now, not so much). Still, going to the ocean is draw for me and I go whenever I can. This past weekend, however, it was more than that. It was a poignant reminder to me of Who God is.
Multiple times during the weekend I found myself sitting on the porch to have a snack, to read, or just to be still and listen to the ocean. I think it was the ceaseless rumble of the crashing waves and the perpetual wind that grabbed my attention this time, and really spoke to me about the infinity and power of God.
I've never seen a placid beach. Lakes and ponds can get as smooth as glass, but the wind and waves never stop at the beach. As I listened and prayed that day, I sensed God in them...infinite...powerful...soothing. On and on the waves come, without source or end, announcing their presence with the whitecapped breakers. The constant wind, carrying seagulls and pelicans, whipping flags, blowing hair, and bending stalks of beach grass. Whether I was sitting on the porch, walking along shore, or at the Donut shop buying donuts and boudin kolaches for breakfast (yes, boudin kolaches - and they were AWESOME), the sound of the waves and gentle push of the wind was there.
Just like God, though, the ocean is not always gentle and soothing. Merely two years ago, Hurricane Ike had torn across this beach and literally wiped it clean. Beach houses, roads, vehicles, etc. all succumbed to the fury of the wind and waves. I saw the satellite pictures of where our friend's beach house used to be. The thriving community had vanished - even the roads were covered by sand - and we lamented the loss of their house with them. It is staggering to think that such power and force comes from wind and water, but if you've been in a tornado, hurricane, or tsunami you understand it. (I've got 2 of the 3 under my belt...not anxious to complete the hat trick!)
Staring at the vastness of the ocean, feeling the wind, and hearing the waves, the majesty and power of God was in full display. Scripture tells us that the heavens declare the glory of God (Psalm 19:1). This past weekend, the ocean declared the glory of God. Peace, comfort, power, wrath, infinity - it's all there.
Oh yeah, one last thing I learned. Remember that Ike wiped the beach clean, but we were staying at our friend's house? God makes all things new. In the span of 2 years, the desolation of that beach was marked by a few lonely support posts and empty slabs. Everywhere you looked, beautiful houses had been rebuilt, roads were cleared of sand, people were walking dogs, feeding seagulls, fishing, and cruising around on their souped-up golf carts. New life had been given to the barren beach. The Lord gives; and He takes away. He shapes and reshapes the potter's clay as He purposes.
Wherever you find your life today, the power, love, comfort, peace, and yes, wrath, of our Infinite God is always there - just like the wind and waves. No one is too big to be brought down; no one is too destroyed to build up. Our solution? Live and love each day like the hurricane can come tomorrow. Old beach house, new beach house, or no beach house: live by God's guidelines, and share Jesus' story as much as you can.